It started on Thursday, music slowly pouring in where it could-gradually seeping. On Friday by nightfall I was three-quarters full, I was a medium swing. By Saturday I was full and music was my way of life. Golden notes my currency in this enchanted urban land with smiling strangers that fast became friends. And I can see life ain't really that different here than my home by the sea. Spring comes here too and the trees wear their fresh shade of green as naturally as their country cousins; -throwing loving glances on our way to school- where we exchange branches of notes, some tested and true but others just feel new and open all our hearts in sharing.
We have been cracked open, looking at life anew. Rainbow lights shining out, we can share this vibe. It's not just angels with them golden notes. We all have them within. It's time to share the wealth.
I haven't cried yet this week, but it's always bubbling up. I feel it in my throat; I've got tingles in my head. Wake up ye say and smell the coffee. It doesn't need to be black and you don't need them cigarettes. My creativity has been stirred. I can feel myself waking up to life- to a new wave of being. I am coasting, riding the wave. You're never too late to start, to learn, to change and grow. The layers make for that eventually flattened fifth (add sus-tenance). A new vocab, a new sound structure, a new way to navigate this world.
Walk past your broken dreams but now they are the ninth and the thirteenth. We all know the seventh is implied, but it had to be laid down first, otherwise we would never have reached this new beautiful chord. Because life is bittersweet and it's the pain that spikes the chord and gives it it's unique flavour and rings true for us. We carry the memory of the pain but the honey is just so sweet and the mix is good. It's real life, tested and true. Finally we start to see our own beautiful chord- it just took time to develop. At first we couldn't see how it was going to work out but now it's richer for the time spent in the development.
It's been amazing week. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement and making it so special!! xx